属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:父亲节
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:你有毅力吗?
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:选择
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:不停游下去
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第199期:在朋友喝酒时怎么能避免自己屈服于
1 | 在困难情况下,力求理智. | Try to bring some sanity into a difficult situation | |
2 | 在这种困难情况下,他表现出很大勇气。 | He displayed remarkable courage in this difficult situation . | |
3 | 这商行已陷入岌岌可危的境地,可能要破产了. | The firm is in dire straits(ie in a very difficult situation )and may go bankrupt. | |
4 | 镇静地应付了困难的局面. | Carried off the difficult situation with aplomb. | |
5 | 中国粮食期货市场的发展:困境、原因和未来的道路 | The Development of Chinese Grain Forward Market: Difficult Situation , Reason and Future | |
6 | 作为被执行人的公民因生活困难无力偿还借款,无收入来源,又丧失劳动能力的 | Where the citizen who is the person concerned is in a difficult situation , does not have any source of income, loses the ability to work and therefore is unable to pay | |
7 | ||1:“老话说,胜利有100个好爹,失败却是个孤儿。||2:关于几天前的事件,我觉得我能说的也都说了。||3:进一步声明、详细讨论都不是逃避责任,因为我是这届政府的首脑,||4:但是很明显,这不过是因为我认为这样的讨论在当前这种困难局面中不会给我们带来什么好处。” | ||1:There’s an old saying that victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan.||2:I’ve said as much as I feel can be usefully said by me in regard to the events of the past few days.||3:Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility, because I’m the responsible officer of the government.||4:And that is quite obvious, but merely because I do not believe that such a discussion would benefit us during the present difficult situation . | |
8 | 但是如果你发现自己身处困境,不要放弃。正如我们所说的,“有志者事竟成。”这句谚语是指具有内在力量会帮助你克服生活带给你的任何困难。 | But if you do find yourself in a difficult situation , do not give up. As they say, "Where there’s a will, there’s a way." This saying means that having inner strength will help you overcome any problem life throws at you. | |
9 | 另一个表示别无选择的短语是between a rock and a hard place(进退两难)。它常用于形容一种选择面小,且没什么好选择的困难局面。 | Another expression for having no real choice is between a rock and a hard place. It is often used to describe a difficult situation with few choices, none of them good. | |
10 | 在某些时候,我们都会面临一些困境。我们可能会感到害怕,悲伤或只是不堪重负,我们可能想要放弃。但是一位朋友说:“继续加油!”,这给了我们实现强势收场的目标所需的希望。 | At some point, we all face a difficult situation . We may feel frightened, sad or just overwhelmed. And we may want to give up. But then a friend says, "Just keep swimming," and it gives us the hope we need to reach our goal – to finish strong. | |
11 | 这是相当困难的境况。我其实不知道该跟你说什么。你必须坚强。你要将自己当作独立个体,不要别人做什么,你就跟着做什么。 | That’s such a difficult situation . I really don’t know what to tell you. You have to be strong. You have to think of yourself as an independent person and not follow what everybody else does. | |
12 | 帮你离开困境是他们的工作,态度和蔼、保持冷静有助于你离开困境。 | Helping you out of a difficult situation is their job, and being nice and keeping calm helps make that possible. | |
13 | 被“污名化”的农民工子弟在公办学校中处境困难,深受社会排斥的影响。 | Currently, the migrant children being stigmatized are in a difficult situation and they are harmed by social exclusion. | |
14 | 不知道我说的对不对,但是勇气应该是当一个人处在困境的时候却表现得他真正的相信他自己是对的。 | Tell me if I’m wrong, but courage is when a man in a difficult situation acts as if he truly believes he’s right. | |
15 | 城市规划:如何走出困境 | How can urban planning come out of the difficult situation | |
16 | 此与元朝的民族歧视政策和广西区域社会局势的动荡不安密切相关。 | This difficult situation was closely related to Yuan Dynasty’s policy of racial discrimination and regional social upheaval in Guangxi. | |
17 | 从儒家文化看村民自治的困境 | Judging the Difficult Situation of the Villagers Autonomy from the Angle of the Confucian Culture | |
18 | 大学英语阅读教学的困境及对策 | The difficult situation in college English reading teaching and its countermeasures | |
19 | 但在非常恶劣的环境下,他们还会不会服从呢? | But put them in a very difficult situation , and will they? | |
20 | 改善面粉和面团的稳定性,在冷冻条件下也能够对面团起到改善作用。改善起酥糕点。 | Flour improvement, dough stabilization, also in difficult situation like freezing. Improvements in puff pastry. | |
21 | 格鲁吉亚政府在萨卡什维利领导下,试图用加入北约的方式来摆脱其困难处境。 | Under Saakashvili, the Georgian government has tried to manage its difficult situation by joining NATO. | |
22 | 公共管理视角下村民自治制度的困境及反思 | Research and Consideration on the Difficult Situation of Villagers’Self-management in the View of Public Management | |
23 | 股份制商业银行困境与出路 | The Difficult Situation of Commercial Stock Banks | |
24 | 国有企业建立现代企业制度的困境和对策 | The Difficult Situation and Countermeasures of the Establishment of the Modern Corporate System by the State - Owned Enterprises | |
25 | 航空业领导者们本周在马来西亚召开会议,被告知他们的行业面临史上最为困难的时期。 | Industry leaders, meeting this week in Malaysia, were told that their industry faces its most difficult situation ever. | |
26 | 衡阳市人才资源开发面临的困境及对策 | Difficult Situation of Development of Talent Resources in Hengyang and Counter-Measures | |
27 | 家族系统在错综复杂的环境包围之下,不仅能够生存、发展,而且能够不断地自我分化。 | Despite of such difficult situation , family cannot merely survive and develop but can also lay the foundations of family prosperity. | |
28 | 假如没有您,我是绝对渡不过这个难关的。 | I’d never have got through it all(= a difficult situation ) without you. | |
29 | 科技型中小企业融资困境与出路选择 | The Difficult Situation of Medium and Small Scientific and Technological Enterprises and the Choice of Their Outlets | |
30 | 困境与超越:基层党组织建设的制约与创新 | Difficult Situation and Overstep: the Restrict and Innovation in the Construction of Basic Party Organization |